Down to Fort de France

Our stay in Martinique is nearing its end. We're picking up my friend Doug in Martinique this weekend, and then plan to sail up to Guadeloupe with him.

So, back to Fort de France, to do some provisioning and collect Doug.

It's a short sail, so we didn't lift the main, and just used the genoa to carry is back down the coast. Towards the end we got tighter into the wind and motored into the city anchorage. Clare took us into the anchorage, she's learning the ropes of taking the wheel while anchoring, but we had bad luck and it took a couple of attempts to set it.

We weren't able to find a car to hire in the city, online, and instead took the city ferry (our nemesis) across the bay to Pointe du Bout, which is more touristy and has cars for hire. So we were able to do a big provisioning at the Carrefour.

We drove down to meet up with taffit in Marin, who was celebrating completing his MSc exams that he had to take at 4am. At the bar, we ran into Rebecca and Michael of Brickhouse, and caught up on their recent adventures. A boat they are buddy-sailing with recently got boarded by armed robbers, off St. Vincent. The robbers visited Brickhouse before that, but Rebecca heard them and shooed them away. This happened in Buccament Bay just North of Petit Byahaut, a day or two after we visited the area. Unfortunately, incidents like this mean many sailors will continue to avoid the main island of St. Vincent, which really needs the tourism. The locals are apparently furious.

Time on the water: 2:35
Distance covered: 12.3nm
Avg speed: 4.8kts
Max speed: 9.7kts
Crew: John, Stefano, Clare

Navionics Track


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