Freeman's Bay

Supplies have been getting low, and we need to head South soon, so time to leave the horses, donkeys, and bright green sea of Barbuda for Antigua again, today.

Quick breakfast and a last swim off Cocoa Beach, and then time to head out. Pulled up the sails just offshore of our anchorage, 2nd reef on the main, and headed out through the coral heads and down due South. We got a lazy jack caught around a main baton, but only realised once we were out at sea. Went to grab a boat hook to pull it off, and realised it's gone missing. We were just congratulating ourselves on not having broken anything recently... So, that's how it stayed, stack pack hanging at and odd angle, for the whole sail.

The seas were big, but not huge, maybe just bigger than 2m swell at times. Wind was strong but steady, and kept us at a good 8kts most of the way. I was expecting more of a beam reach south, with the prevailing winds from the east, but with the our slightly eastward course and the current against us we were about 60° into the wind, the whole way down.

Didn't see another yacht all day, until, just as we were edging down the North-West shore of Antigua, a little open fishing dinghy crossed our bow, out of nowhere. Got to keep an eye out for them...


Slowly eased into a run, as we came around Green Island to the South end of Antigua. Pulled into Freeman's Bay, suddenly going from 20+kts winds to complete calm. First anchor attempt put us on top of a buoy, so tried again a little closer into the corner. Totally unpredictable winds in this corner, we're swinging 360° around our anchor, but it's well protected and seems safe.

Back to the comforting sounds of Antigua's squeaky frogs.

Time on the water: 5:52
Distance covered: 41.1nm
Avg speed: 7kts
Max speed: 11kts

Navionics Track


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