North to Pigeon Island

After one night in the corner you can anchor behind Îlet à Cabrit, we took one of the mooring balls the next day, closer to the shore and more protected.


We climbed to the fort on the hill, snorkelled the corals surrounding the anchorage, and braaied on the beach. The local tree lizards came down to hunt insects escaping the hot fire wood.


After a few days in the Saints, we decided to go up to Réserve Cousteau, by Les Ilets Pigeon off the West coast of Guadeloupe.

We picked a very windy day for the sail, so we used just a double-reefed mainsail. This carried us up the coast at a good 8kts, and the wind kept going most of the way to the Pigeon Islands. We only had to motor-sail a little towards the end.


We spent a few days in the Pigeon Island anchorage, snorkelling the Réserve Cousteau, and the turtles on the swimming beach.

Lexi and Clare opened the pop-up Flying Cloud Hair Salon for a couple of brief sessions on the back deck.

Finally, we had to say goodbye to the Coxes. They flew back home, and we prepared to head North to Antigua.

Time on the water: 3:44
Distance covered: 27.2nm
Avg speed: 7.3kts
Max speed: 9.5kts
Crew: John, Stefano, Clare, Rachael, James, Lexi


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