Motor back to Sainte-Anne

We had a local mechanic come and look at our engine, in the morning. The vibration problem didn't show itself, but he did detect a vibration in the transmission or drive damper that he thought was worth more investigation. An transmission oil change showed no metal particles, so at least we don't think anything is being chewed.

Le Marin is very well protected and calm, keeping the boat fairly still. We had an easy night for our new crew to get used to boat life. But it's also quite hot and crowded in Le Marin, and we wanted to get back to the clear water of Sainte-Anne.

So, a quick motor back out the channel, and then a little more rolly night off Sainte-Anne.

Time on the water: 0:40
Distance covered: 2.4nm
Avg speed: 3.6kts
Max speed: 7.3kts

Navionics Track


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