Out on our own
Today we planned to meet some friends in Carlisle Bay, which we visited yesterday. Our old neighbour from Jolly Harbour, Rick, was bringing his yacht Elethea around for a last swim, before heading back to the UK.
Sailed out on roughly the same route as yesterday, put up sails coming out of the bay much sooner this time, rather than out at sea. Then straight out into the ocean, on a port broad reach, with a tack down on another broad reach into Carlisle Bay. We'd screwed up that gybe yesterday, so to take things easy we'd do a big tack instead.
Chatted to family on a zoom call on the way out, but then things went wrong on the tack. That distraction probably didn't help, we maybe could have planned things more carefully.
We'd remembered the running back-stays (the damage last time), but left the preventer in the clutch. Realised this as we were coming up into the wind, and the boom wasn't coming over. There was a lot of load on the preventer, so tried to let it out, carefully with the closest winch. But the angle between the clutch and winch was too tight, and the line cover sheared off, jamming the preventer in the clutch.

So, main sail down, and sailed into Carlisle bay on the staysail only. Went fruit shopping on shore, had our swim, and then motored back to Falmouth, just before sun down.

Was getting a little dark when we got back. And there was another yacht in our anchoring spot, so we ended up anchoring a little too close to a reef, for comfort. We'll find a better spot tomorrow.

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